Windows 10 or higher: Please install the latest WIBU CodeMeter Runtime (≥ 7.30a), which can be downloaded from the WIBU website. Windows 7: Apply the Mitigation techniques recommended by WIBU in their advisory WIBU-210910-01, which can also be found below in the Mitigation section. Compact Course: Measurement, data evaluation and automatic reporting with iba.

Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines according to ISO 18436 category II.Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines according to ISO 18436 category I.Training in Fuerth: Measurement, data evaluation and automatic reporting with iba.Training in Hagen: Measurement, data evaluation and automatic reporting with iba.Monitoring and analysis of processes and machine conditions using ibaInCycle.Automated key data calculation and web-based product and process analysis with ibaDaVIS.Online visualization of measurement data and quality data using ibaQPanel.Automated generation of fault and quality reports with ibaAnalyzer-Reportgenerator.Monitoring and analysis of vibration data with ibaInSpectra.Synchronous recording of video and measurement data using ibaCapture.Long term acquisition and analysis of data and events using ibaHD-Server.Measurement and data evaluation with iba.Analysis of iba measurement data using ibaAnalyzer.LOT Auswertung von iba-Messdaten mit ibaAnalyzer (Tag).LOT Auswertung von iba-Messdaten mit ibaAnalyzer (Abend).Measuring Autonomously - Process Connected.